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Slim Artificial Christmas Trees: Using Doves

Introducing the Charm of Slim Artificial Christmas Trees Adorned with Doves

Every year, when people decorate their slim artificial Christmas trees, they may be these small little things that they do that mean a lot. For many people, they like to have certain ornaments on their slim artificial Christmas trees because these tell a story or they hold a special place in their heart. Whether it is a homemade ornament from a child from when they were younger, or an ornament that a dearly departed relative gave you…these ornaments have a special meaning in your heart. While many people may be choosing a certain theme to use on their slim artificial Christmas trees, this does not mean that they have to avoid putting up these special ornaments. And one of these special ornaments that many people utilize is small doves.

Why Doves are the Perfect Addition to Your Christmas Tree

Many people put one small dove near the top of their tree, while other people put several small doves throughout their tree. But why are they choosing to use doves? Doves are considered birds that showcase peace. And for many people, the dove is put on the tree to help them usher in a new year that is full of peace for themselves and their families. Other people have a more religious reason for why they use a dove on their tree. They use this dove as a showcase for the story of the birth of Jesus. Many shepherds who followed the Three Wise Men brought doves as gifts for Jesus. And of course, throughout the Bible, the dove is often seen in the text as a representation of Earth and a symbol of peace during the holiday season.

This year, why not include a dove in your décor? Whether you want to use this for biblical reasons or just to show your hope for a better future, it is a delicate ornament that adds a ton of elegance to any tree décor!